Father God, I seek You on behalf of _________, Lord, that You would guide his steps in new and surprising ways. Father, that he would uncover abilities within himself that were there all along but that may have been buried, like treasure, beneath the rubble of perceived failures, missed opportunities, pain, and heartache. Like an excited and bewildered "Peter Parker," may _________ continually both discover and exercise the many facets of the superpower of Your Spirit, like supercharged venom in his veins. May each experience in life become infused with a new super-sense, increased perception of Your power, Your presence, heighted mental focus, increased spiritual hearing and vision, that he would even be able to smell and taste Your presence - and even, that he would experience something like a physical stench when the enemy tries to slide in or come at him through other people, and that _________ would respond with the Word of God to send the enemy fleeing.
As I prepare to pray for his inner, spiritual being, Lord, I want to remember he is also a physical being. I ask that You would infuse _________’s body with supernatural ability to fight infection, to fight fatigue, that you would provide him with supernatural energy and focus. That you would prepare a table before him and feed him the finest of foods in the presence of his enemies: not only spiritually, but also physically, causing him to be one step ahead of all opposition at every turn. Lord, I pray that You would ordain relationships that bring You glory, bringing just the right person or people into _________’s life that would speak into His calling, align in spiritual and physical agreement with Your good plans, that this person or people would recognize Your purposes at work in Your son, _________, and that Your Spirit within him would ignite a Holy Ambition in others, like wildfire spreading out from around him. [And as I prayed this part over you, I just sensed the word “gird up” and I thought of King James Version, where men would “gird up” their cloak or their clothing, when preparing for an important task, like running to give a message, or running toward a battle.] So, Lord, I speak into this, that _________ would “gird up his loins,” in preparation for the task ahead, ready to run -- proceeding like Abraham, toward a place he will possess, looking with spiritual eyes toward a destination without human understanding, but in faith, alone. Lord, I pray for Holy Ambition to come upon _________, not to further his own life or his own work, but to further the Kingdom of Heaven, a heritage that will be repeated for generations.
Father, now, speaking into his inner being, I ask that You would cause _________ to never miss a day of applying Your heavenly armor, starting with the Belt of Truth which is necessary before the rest can be applied. Thank you, Lord, that _________ is being transformed into the Holy of Holies (Ephesians 2:21-22 TPT) and can boldly wear the breastplate of Your righteousness. Father, that His legs and feet would be protected with the Gospel of Peace. I recall the Israelites enroute to the promised land, a people who failed along the way, but whose shoes never failed them - for forty years their shoes did not wear out, so I pray this over _________: that His feet would ever be “shod,” protected, covered, unfaltering as He carries the gospel of Your peace with every step he takes. And it’s truly all about peace, restoring the peace that was lost in the garden, restoring Your people into Your original and intended design - and that peace is now ours - as the Word says, “The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him…”(!) I speak an offensive position over _________, that He would never be on the defense, but ever recognize He stands on the ground of Your victory, and that victory is “finished” by the declaration of our Savior on the cross! And I speak into _________’s spirit, that You would bring him fresh declarations to declare over himself and over the atmosphere around him, and over the people in his path, to bring about Your kingdom: heaven invading earth by the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21 NLT and Isaiah 25:6-8 TPT.)
The helmet of salvation, daily dying to self - and wanting to - as he’s learning what He looks like to You, distinguishing his own face in Your eyes, recognizing the sound of his name on Your lips, the name You called him before the beginning of time. The shield of faith that is his own, yet fortified with the prayers and declarations and spoken words of his parents and grandparents and generations before who have passed onto him the emblems that now adorn it. (I just see this intricately designed shield, like a family crest, but so much more meaningful, as in Deuteronomy 11:8 “Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand…” [As I prayed this over you, in the Spirit, I was seeing a shield of faith that is adorned with symbols and words that have been rightfully applied within the heart and soul of your prior generations, and that are now bound to your hand as you hold onto the shield!] And the last two pieces of armor are the Sword and Prayer! So, I ask, Lord that the Sword of Your Spirit within _________ would blaze the path ahead for him, along with prayer that never ceases. Thank You for bringing _________ to a place where his prayer life is at the forefront of his life; this often forgotten piece of the armor is engaging a host of heaven’s armies to fight alongside _________ in each moment of the battle. I pray Ephesians 1:18-20 over him, that Yahweh will give light to the eyes of his heart, so that he will understand the hope to which he has been called, what rich glories there are in the inheritance He has promised him, as His people -his son- and how surpassingly great is His power working in _________, who trusts Him. (And even when we’re faithless, He remains faithful!) His power in _________works with the same mighty strength He used when he worked in Messiah to raise Him from the dead and seat Him at His right hand in heaven, far above any ruler, authority, power, or dominion. May _________ experience this superpower coursing through his body, mind, soul, and spirit, infusing him with the power of Your indestructible life, strength, wisdom, vision, stealth, and invincible armor. And I praise You for answering these requests according to Your goodness, Your mercy, Your will, and Your Word.